CRED-Centre Research on the Epidemiology of Dis

  • Indirizzo: Ecole de Santé Publique - Clos Chapelle-aux-Champs 30, Bte B1.30.15 - Brussels - Belgium
  • Telefono: +32 27643327
  • Fax: +32 27643441
  • Sito:
  • E-Mail:

Head of the organization: Debarati Guha-Sapir
Mission & Disaster Reduction Profile
CRED promotes research, training, and information dissemination on disasters, with a special focus on public health, epidemiology, structural and socio-economic aspects. It aims to enhance the effectiveness of developing countries' disaster management capabilities as well as fostering policy-oriented research.

Pubblicazioni dell'autore CRED-Centre Research on the Epidemiology of Dis